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»CL0: »CL2:/\ /\»B.D »CL2: / // /\_ /\_ /\_ /\_ / _ /\_ \/ _ \/\_ \/\_ \ / // / // / // / // / // / \// /\_ /\// /\_ /\_ /»CL3:A» / /___\/___\/___\/___\/__»CL3:N»CL2: \_______________________ \»CL3:D»CL0: Contact me if you Like:»CL2:\/\ ----------------------»CL2: / / Long letters,Flyers,Nice»CL2:/ /_ paper Pics,Chewing Gums »CL2:\___\ ,Hot Stuffs & Surprise!!»CL2:/ __/ Write to: »CL2:/ _/_ »CL1: - Black Dragon - of »CL2:\ \» Honoo & Limited Edition »CL2:\/\_/» Paul Pacheco »CL2:/\_ \» 2 Av. Paul Brard »CL2:/ // /» 78700 Conflans France»CL2:/____/ »CL9: ___ . ____ ___ __ / _ \___ _|___\_ )_./ __|____ _) \ \ \| _/ | (___ /. \______\ . \_ . | | »CL8:bD!/dGs»\____|____|____|____|____| »CL2: mailtradin' domination in 1997! »CL3: blaze/nah-kolor+floppy patrick kalinowski polna 63/5 21200 parczew poland »CL2: only elite swapping... and remember about support to: - s p e e d - »CL8: _ ____ \\\__ \ / / /\_ /\_ /\_ /\_ / _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \ / // / // / // / //\ \// / / // / // / // / // /\ / /»CL7:B.D.» / // / // / // / // / // /\__ _ \/ \/\___/\/ \/\___/\___/\__/// /\ /\/\__/\/\____/\___/\_ »CL7:AND» /\___/\_ /\/\___/\/\ /\_/\ / / / / \ \_ _/ ___/__ \ / ___/__ \/ /_ _/ / \/ / / / /_/\ \ \\ \ \\ \ _// // / / __// // / / / // / /\ \/ / \____/\_\_//_/_//_/___/____/ \___/____/\_\ \_\\_\____/\_/ »CL0: Contact Me For Real Friendship Swapping!!!!! »CL1: -------------------------------------------- »CL0: Black Dragon/Honoo & Limited Edition Paul Pacheco, 2 Avenue Paul Brard, 78700 Conflans, FRANCE »CL0: __ ____ __ _ __________ / \--.-\_ | |--. (_ \__\__|__,__|__,__| »CL1:aC!d/dGs» /_ // | »CL2:elites should try:»CL0: | | »CL5:blaze/nah-kolor+floppy»CL0: | »CL5:polna 63/5 » | »CL5:212oo parczew » | »CL5:poland » | | »CL9: sorry, no faked stamps!» | __ __ ____ | /--| /.-----| |--.-----|-\_ _)_| \__,__|____)|_____|____)|__,__\ »CL8: _ __ _________ __ __ ____ _____ _ __ | \ Y __/_ __Y | Y __ Y ____Y_/ | | _\ | _|_| | | | | \ | \_ |\_ -' |:| |:\ |: | |:.`- |: |:.| |.| | `-|__|----'--' `--|__|----'--|__|-|__| »CL7: n e t w o r k - n o l i m i t s !- For coding matters try this addy: »CL8: .---------------------------. ...|» Wasi/Amiga Circle^Network»CL8: |... : |» Oscar Martinez Fernandez »CL8: | : : |» Conde Toreno, 56 1-D »CL8: | : :..|» 33204 Gijon (Asturias) »CL8: |..: |» SPAIN »CL8: | `---------------------------' » also on internet: »CL8: .--------------------. <--|» omartin@arrakis.es»CL8: |--> `--------------------' »CL0: ______:_______ _______ _____ ___.:____ ______ _______ ________ _| |_ // _ \\ _// || \\ _// _ \\_ / \_ _/ / ./ _\ \\ \ ./ / / |______|__________|______________|| _________|_____/______\ <-------------------------------»CL1:cDr»|_____|»CL1:m's»-------------------> »CL8: a new magazine is born. his name is trashcan. a old spanish maga- zine will be now a complete english magazine 4 all the scene. the issue#3 will be the first issue of a really great scene magazine. of course we need your help.how can you help us?.Is simply. espe- cially you must write articles for this new project, but of cour- se, intro pics,clip-arts, modules and all kind of support will be really welcome... we need you for being possible this really cool project... All kinds of themes are allowed... the scene,software, adverts,messages,news,graphics,music,humor,and all you're capable don't forget to support the nice trashcan family at this addy.... »CL7: .---------------------------------------------------------------. |» leunam/network . c/leon XIII n.5-3C . 41009 sevilla . spain »CL7: | `---------------------------------------------------------------' » or try on internet at: network@redestb.es »CL1: __ _____________________________ _______________________ .-/ / _ / _____/_ ___/ / / __ / __ / _/ / »CL9: .::::»|/ / / ___/__ / / / _/ / \ / \____/ _ __/|»CL9:::::. ::» /___/___/_______/ /___/ /_______/_______/___/___\ __\ \ | »CL9::: :: » `-lm!----.--------------------------------------.----\___\' »CL9::: ::» |»CL0: s l o o d y ^ n e t w o r k »CL1: | »CL9::: :: » |»CL0: b e l l o n i l a u r e n t »CL1: | »CL9::: `:::::::::::::»|»CL0: 7, r u e d e r i s q u e w i h r»CL1: |»CL9:::::::::::::::'» | »CL0: 6 8 2 0 0 m u l h o u s e »CL1: | `----------
» »CL0:f r a n c e» «-----------' »CL8:__ __ \/ »CL7:f a s t s w a p ^ r e a l f r i e n d s h i p ^ 1 o o % a n s w e r»CL8: \/ .æ@@@æ. _____ ___ ___ ______ _____ _____ .--.@@' `@@.-/ __/__--_\ \/ \--__\ __ \---/ __/__--__\___/-----. | .@§ ß@@_\___ \_ _ \_ \ \_ \___ \_ __|______ | | @@. .@@' / / \ / .:/ \ / / / \ / | | `@@. .æ@@' ______ .:/____\ /___/_______ .:/_______ .:/_______ .:/ | `--`¤@@@¤' ------\___/------\/----------\___/------\___/------\___/lm!' »CL0: Contact me for a fast'n' »CL7: NORK/NETWORK^MASSIVE^OSMOSE^DARKAGE » friendly swapping experience »CL7: Abraham Sanchez Gallego » musicians are really welcome! »CL7: Leon XIII, 5°-3C » also send your votes for showtime'n'trashcan! »CL7: 41009 Sevilla _ SPAIN »CL8:hi»CL0: to those groups: - -\------>»CL7: network@redestb.es abyss»CL5:.»CL0:aliens»CL5:.»CL1:amiga circle»CL5:.»CL0:anadune»CL5:.»CL1:appendix»CL5:.»CL0:avocado»CL5:.»CL1:axis»CL5:.»CL0:balance»CL5:.»CL1:batman group»CL5:.»CL0:bros in arms»CL5:.»CL1:bucket»CL5:.»CL0:capsule»CL5:.»CL1:chaos age»CL5:.»CL0:chronique»CL5:.»CL1:crux»CL5:.»CL0:cydonia»CL5:.»CL1: darkness»CL5:.»CL0:depth»CL5:.»CL1:divas»CL5:.»CL0:dusk»CL5:.»CL1:erotic design»CL5:.»CL0:fanatic»CL5:.»CL1:fci»CL5:.»CL0:freezers»CL5:.»CL1:jewels»CL5:.»CL0: giants»CL5:.»CL1:goblins»CL5:.»CL0:gods»CL5:.»CL1:honoo»CL5:.»CL0:iris»CL5:.»CL1:kinky»CL5:.»CL0:llfb»CL5:.»CL1:massive»CL5:.»CL0:metro»CL5:.»CL1:mezcal»CL5:.»CL0:nah kolor»CL5:.»CL1: nivel 7»CL5:.»CL0:mystic»CL5:.»CL1:odrusba»CL5:.»CL0:old bulls»CL5:.»CL1:opium»CL5:.»CL0:osmose»CL5:.»CL1:outdoor»CL5:.»CL0:ozone»CL5:.»CL1:phuture 303»CL5:.»CL0: psykotrope»CL5:.»CL1:redline»CL5:.»CL0:ram jam»CL5:.»CL1:sadist»CL5:.»CL0:saf»CL5:.»CL1:sector 5»CL5:.»CL0:scoopex»CL5:.»CL1:sdc»CL5:.»CL0:silicon»CL5:.»CL1:spoon»CL5:.»CL0: suicidal t»CL5:.»CL1:syndrome»CL5:.»CL0:trsi recordz»CL5:.»CL1:vacuum»CL5:.»CL0:void »CL7: ______ _______ ___.:____ ________ ________ __ ____\ //_ // || \\_ // _ /___ / \ \ / /____/ || / / ./ \/ \ /______________________||_____/______\___|________\/ \· _ <-------------------------------------------»CL1:cDr/m's»/_______\\/ »CL0: send your support to the new english mag TRASHCAN.... also send your votes ^ support 4 »CL2:SHOWTIME», »CL2:DEFY» and »CL2:JURASSIC»... do you want to join us? No problem, you can also write to this addy... graphician? ascii-artist? swapper? musician? coders? no probz... »CL8: leunam/network manuel sanchez gallego c/leon xiii 5, 3-c 41009 sevilla spain! »CL0: you are too lazy to write a letter? Don't worry, you can try this... - ---> »CL8:network@redestb.es» <--- - you have not time to send a e-mail? just find on »CL8:#amigascne»... never had so easy to contact with someone... ;) »CL0: ________ ________ ____ ______ _______ ________ ______ _____\_ //_ // |_ ___.| // _ \\_ /____/ / \ / / /_____/ _/ || / _/ / / / /_____/______\______________|_____/\ __________\__________\______\ <--------------------------------»CL1:cDr»\_____|»CL1:m's»-------------------------> don't hesitate and contact us... also 4 join us... »CL1: <-----------------------------------------------------------------------> »CL0: l e u n a m / n e t w o r k & n o r k / n t w ^ m s v ^ o s m ^ d k g manuel & abraham sanchez - leon xiii 5, 3c - 41009 sevilla - spain! e-mail: network@redestb.es »CL1: <-----------------------------------------------------------------------> »CL0:three little elks»CL5:.»CL1:abyss»CL5:.»CL0:agoa»CL5:.»CL1:aliens»CL5:.»CL0:amiga circle»CL5:.»CL1:ambrosia»CL5:.»CL0:artwork»CL5:.»CL1:anadune analog»CL5:.»CL0:appendix»CL5:.»CL1:batman group»CL5:.»CL0:dinx project»CL5:.»CL1:axis»CL5:.»CL0:balance»CL5:.»CL1:bugs»CL5:.»CL0:c-lous»CL5:.»CL1:eltech capsule»CL5:.»CL0:centolos»CL5:.»CL1:chronique»CL5:.»CL0:corpse»CL5:.»CL1:darkness»CL5:.»CL0:depth»CL5:.»CL1:erotic design»CL5:.»CL0:psykotrope divas»CL5:.»CL1:cydonia»CL5:.»CL0:dusk»CL5:.»CL1:dylem»CL5:.»CL0:fanatic»CL5:.»CL1:freezers»CL5:.»CL0:fun»CL5:.»CL1:future brain»CL5:.»CL0:giants»CL5:.»CL1:goblins gods»CL5:.»CL0:gore boys»CL5:.»CL1:honoo»CL5:.»CL0:intense»CL5:.»CL1:infect»CL5:.»CL0:iris»CL5:.»CL1:jewels»CL5:.»CL0:kinky»CL5:.»CL1:limited edition»CL5:.»CL0:saf llfb»CL5:.»CL1:massive»CL5:.»CL0:metro»CL5:.»CL1:mystic»CL5:.»CL0:myth»CL5:.»CL1:nah kolor»CL5:.»CL0:odrusba»CL5:.»CL1:old bulls»CL5:.»CL0:opium»CL5:.»CL1:sector 5 osmose»CL5:.»CL0:ozone»CL5:.»CL1:planet core»CL5:.»CL0:phuture 303»CL5:.»CL1:redline»CL5:.»CL0:rektum»CL5:.»CL1:ram jam»CL5:.»CL0:sadist»CL5:.»CL1:strobe scalaris»CL5:.»CL0:scoopex»CL5:.»CL1:session»CL5:.»CL0:silicon»CL5:.»CL1:spoon»CL5:.»CL0:strange»CL5:.»CL1:syndicate»CL5:.»CL0:syndrome»CL5:.»CL1:venture suicidal tendencies»CL5:.»CL0:trsi recordz»CL5:.»CL1:tsg»CL5:.»CL0:vajrayana»CL5:.»CL1:vental»CL5:.»CL0:void»CL5:.»CL1:x-zone»CL5:.»CL0::haujobb »CL0: ___________ _____ ______ ______ ____ ___ ____ ______ _\ ____/__ Y ___/_\ _ \ _\ _ /_ _\ \ /_ _\__/_ _\ /_ / /___ / | \ / \ \ / \ \ / _ \ \ / \ / ____ \ _/ \_ \_ \ \_ \ \_ \ \_ \_ \ \_ \ _______/_______/__________/__________/____\_______/________/___\ / »CL1::»\____/»CL1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::lm!»CL0:\____/ »CL2: d o y o u s e a r c h a d i f f e r e n t m a g a z i n e ? d o y o u w a n t r e c e i v e t h e l a s t »CL9:DEFY» b y »CL9:CYDONIA» ? d o n ' t w o r r y w r i t e t o ! »CL6: EUROPE: »CL8: AUSTRALIA: »CL6: NORK/NETWORK^MASSIVE^OSMOSE^DARKAGE» DEFY DEFY »CL6: Abraham Sanchez » P.O. Box 555 P.O. Box 16 »CL6: Leon XIII, 5-3C » BRIGHTON PENDLE HILL »CL6: 41009 SEVILLA » S.A 5048 N.S.W. 2148 »CL6: SPAIN » AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA »CL6: network@redestb.es »CL7: SUPPORt DEFY With ARtiCLES, NEWS, AdVERtS, iNtERVIEWS, MOdS, CliP-ARtS... »CL9: __»CL8: ................. »CL9: \/ __»CL8:...»CL7: ___ ___ ______________ __ ____»CL8::»_______ _______»CL8::»__ ____ »CL8: . »CL9: __\/»CL8::.:..»CL7:| \ Y _____/_ __Y | Y __ Y ______Y _/ |»CL6:lm!»CL9: __ \/ __ »CL8::»CL7: | _ \ | __|__| | | | | \ | \_ | \_ -' »CL8::»CL9: __\/ \/ »CL8::..»CL7:|»CL8::.»| |»CL8::.»\ |»CL8::. »| |»CL8::.»`- |»CL8::.» |»CL8::.»| |»CL8::.»| |»CL8:..:..»CL9:\/ __ »CL7:`--|____|-------'----' `--|____|-------'--|____|--|____| »CL8: :.: »CL9:__ \/ »CL8: :.....................: :....: »CL9: __ \/ \/ __ »CL0: dO YoU sEaRcH a dIfFEReNt gRoUp? `»CLA:NETWORK»' iS hErE! »CL9:\/ »CL4: NORK/NETWORK^MSV^OSM^DKG LEUNAM/NETWORK SLOODY/NETWORK^SLC Abraham Sanchez Manuel Sanchez Belloni Laurent Leon XIII 5-3C Leon XIII 5-3C 7, rue de Riquewihr 41009 Sevilla 41009 Sevilla 68200 MULHOUSE Spain Spain France network@redestb.es network@redestb.es no-email .swap.sfx. .join.gfx.ascii.swap. .swap.gfx. »CL9: n e t w o r k - n o l i m i t s ! - »CL2: ._____. »CL1:[stuff] »CL7:jacobs/royal» - »CL7:action/anadune» - »CL7:ziutek/appendix »CL2: _________ |¯ : ________ |¯ __ /_| __|____._\ ___/ »CL1:[master] madbart/anadune^appendix» |______( \__ ¬: __>___:___________________ ___ _ /¯ / \ ¯| / . / _ _ »CL1:[a1200/030/882/50mhz/quantum 1.3mb/cdrom]» /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- - _______ ________ ________ _________.______ »CL1:[node 0] »CL8:+48-91-879493»CL2: /¯ ___/_._\ ___/ ._\ ____/_._\ _ ¬· | _ ___ __________._\____ ¬: ___> : \ ¬: /______. | »CL1:[open]» | / \ ¯\»CL3:nd!»:______: »CL7: 22-13/week 22-10 cet»CL2: _ _ _ _ \ |¯ | - ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______| »CL1:[node 1]»CL7: telnet »CL1:[node 2]»CL7: telnet»CL1: [anadune whq] [appendix whq] [floppy phq] [venus art phq] [dinx project phq] [ozone free phq] [mawi phq] [doggystyle phq] [psl phq] »CL0: _______ _\ ___/___ _____________________________ _________ \_____ //\_ __ /\___ \ _____ \ __\_____ \_ |/ ·/ / / /____//_ /____//__ / / \________\ \___\ __________/__________//_________/ -----/_______|»CL1:draw»--------------------------------- »CL4: for support »CLA:s p e e d» and/or elite mailtrading: »CL6: . blaze/nah-kolor . polna 63/5 . 21200 parczew . poland . »CL4: send your own productions, modules, messages, adverts, news, articles... also modules and pictures swapping available at this address! »CL7: ________ ____ »CL8:f l o p p y ' 9 7» _____ \ ____/_) /____ __ ____________________\__| / | _( / \/ ___ ___ \ __/| |_________________________/ \____/ \___________| /____\ /____\ »CL6:ctp!/L124» »CL4: for getting latest floppy productions and/or kool mailtrading write here: »CL6:def/floppy blaze/floppy p.o. box 9 ul. polna 63/5 o1-125 warszawa 1o2 21-2oo parczew poland poland »CL9:also for joining! »CLA:graphicians wanted!